Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day Two

Today began early with devotions at 8:00 and off to Casa de Luz at 8:30. There we continued the work from yesterday. More of the main hall was painted, and work began on building up the walls begun by previous groups. Don Copeland and Brennan Whipple have a new appreciation for brick masons. 

Frank and I went with Lucus, the director of Casa de Luz into downtown Santa Domingo to purchase a wheel barrow and sling blades to clear brush with. We found the wheel barrow but no luck with the sling blades, machetes would have to do.

When we got back to Casa de Luz the boys (Brennan, Josh, Drayton) were excited to use the machetes to clear the meditation garden. I think the testosterone was pretty thick. They did a great job clearing and will finish the job tomorrow. While we were gone the hall painting was finished and sandwiches were prepared for the afternoon outreach at the Hospital.

In the Dominican Republic there are real problems with children being burned from trying to tap into existing power lines. Live wires are everywhere and many children suffer from severe burns. The hospital we visited had a burn unit. There we met the children and their families, prayed with them and shared the sandwiches we prepared. You see many of the families while waiting have no means for food. We were able to meet that need. In addition we took stuffed animals and crayons and coloring books to the children. It was a great afternoon and the entire team was touched.

On our way home we stopped at one of the local markets and stocked up on junk. Sugar was calling! Back at Casa de Luz we had a great meal. They workers there have been so helpful and have feed us well. Tonight was spaghetti! 

We are back at the hotel, some in the pool, some under the cabana with Michael, singing. It was another great day and we look forward to another one tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers we have felt them.

I Will...

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